Policies and Procedures
Early childhood education and care services are required to have a number of mandatory policies and we also include many best practice policies. The implementation of these thorough policies and procedures are important to ensure a high-quality service and each educator and other relevant persons involved in our service are expected to be familiar with them.
You will also find links to information regarding immunisation and exclusion periods for infectious diseases.
Quality Area 1 – Educational program and practice
Quality Area 2 – Children’s health and safety
Quality Area 3 – Physical environment
Quality Area 4 – Staffing arrangements
Quality Area 5 – Relationships with children
Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
Quality Area 7 – Governance and Leadership
For information on the National Immunisation program, please visit www.health.gov.au/health-topics/immunisation.
Infectious diseases
For information on exclusion periods for infectious diseases, please visit www2.health.vic.gov.au/public-health/infectious-diseases/school-exclusion.