Clothing & Footwear
Please dress your child in clothes that are comfortable, not restrictive when climbing and can get dirty. The most suitable clothing for a kindergarten child is anything that is easily washed and managed when they go to the toilet. When dressing your child be mindful that children would need to be able to manage these items of clothing when they would go to the toilet or if they would get wet or dirty whilst playing. Long skirts, long dresses, crocs and thongs are not allowed as they are dangerous when children are climbing.
Where possible, children should wear shoes which are secure on their feet, such as runners, boots or closed-toe shoes and sandals.
Sunscreen& Hats
Our Kindergarten follows a SunSmart Policy for all children, educators and visitors. In summer, we encourage that children have sunscreen applied either in the morning before leaving home or when they arrive at kinder. Sunscreen is provided on the front table for each child’s protection from the sun; we ask that parents apply sunscreen when they arrive at kinder before each session. Please note that sunscreen must be applied to any part of the body which is not covered by clothing and may be exposed to the sun.
When children are in the playground, they must adopt the Sun Smart attitude of wearing a hat. You can choose to provide your child’s own hat or they can use a spare kinder hat. We have a supply of hats for the times when children may forget to bring their own.
Jackets & Coats
In the colder weather, the children bring their own coats or parka. Please remember to label all clothing and personal items that are likely to be taken off. i.e. Jumpers, coats, hats, and bags. Also, remember to include extra clothing in your child’s bag, which is weather appropriate, should your child become soiled or get wet during play.
Kinder Bag
All children need to bring a bag/backpack to kinder each day. Please ensure your child’s bag, drink bottle, snack box and all of their belongings are labelled with their name. We recommend that you label the kinder bag on the inside so as not to advertise your child’s name when they are wearing it out and about in the community.
The bag should contain:
- A spare change of underwear (or two)
- A complete change of clothes – be mindful of weather conditions and pack accordingly
- A spare pair of shoes
- A summer hat (during Terms 1 & 4) or beanie (during colder periods)
- A warm coat or parka
- A waterproof bag to place soiled clothes in.
We are a Safety focused Practice
- We believe that, all accidents can be prevented and safety is an integral part of everyone’s job. We support this through our whole kindergarten environment.
- Child Safe Standards guide our practice to acting in the best interests of children and keeping them safe all the time.