Committee of Management
Why do we need a Committee?
Deer Park West Kindergarten is legally required to establish a committee of management to govern its organisation and these committee members are regularly defined as the parents of the children attending the service.
The role of its elected members is to control and manage the business and affairs of its early childhood association. The entire committee is the governing body of the service as stated in the constitution.
Committee members take on various responsibilities when elected to the committee. Participating as a member of the committee requires a willingness to volunteer some time and commitment to make the committee work.
Important roles on the committee are:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Other Committee Members, including Fundraisers, Ordinary.
Roles and Responsibilities
The duties of all committee members are:
- Attend Committee meetings and be punctual
- Follow meeting procedures
- Participate in all activities of the Committee
- Contribute to discussions and participate in decision making
- Respect confidentiality of any information discussed or given
- Abide by all policies of the service
- Share responsibility for all Committee decisions, including financial decisions
- Ensure tasks allocated to them are completed by the agreed date.
Note: At Deer Park West Kindergarten, an Administration Officer and Book-keeper are employed to take on the roles that take considerable time and effort, administration and finances. Hence, the duties required as a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary are significantly reduced.
The President is normally the “key person” on the Committee. A well-functioning committee requires leadership from a skilled, enthusiastic and confident President who has good organisational skills. An effective President has the ability to delegate but is still ready to participate as a team member and bring other members of the Committee together in decision making.
Vice President
The position of Vice President provides support to the President in their duties, and stands in for the President as required.
The Secretary is one of the central communicators of the Committee. The primary role of the Secretary is taking accurate notes during Committee meetings.
At Deer Park West Kindergarten, a book-keeper is employed to undertake the Treasurer’s responsibilities. Hence, the Treasurer’s role on the Committee is to oversee the financial reports prepared by the book-keeper.
Other Committee Members
Other Committee members are those who do not hold a position such as President, Secretary or Treasurer. These Committee members are vital to the effective operation of the Committee. General Committee members may be nominated to a specific task such as Fundraising.