The Department of Education and Training will be subsidizing all kindergarten fees for children attending kindergarten from 2023.
Pension, Health Care & Visa Card Holders
Those families who hold either a current Pension, Health Care Card or hold a current Visa should present either of these to the kindergarten as the Victorian Government provides further funding to the kindergarten for these card holders.
Due to an increase in the state government subsidies for Kindergarten Fee Subsidy, both 3 and 4-year-old kindergarten for those families with a current Health Care and Pension Cards or a valid Visa will be free of charge. Parents are required to present their Health Care and Pension Cards at each card renewal date as indicated on the card.
If you are unable to present a valid current card; this will mean we will have to charge fees from the expiry date of the card previously presented for your child’s attendance.
Also, any families who hold a current Visa based on their entry into Australia please see Monica to verify if you are eligible for a government subsidy which may make your fees for 3 or 4-year-old kindergarten free of charge.
Kindergarten payments
Any payments should be paid via internet banking into our National Australia Bank account. The account details are as follows:
Account Name: Deer Park West Kindergarten Inc.
BSB No.: 083 004
Account No.: 51 533 9919
Ref.: Your child’s name should be included here.
When paying money to the kindergarten account, please remember to include your child’s name into the reference so that we can identify your transaction.
Any queries regarding fees should be made direct to the Bookkeeper, Lisa Van Nispen, at lisa.dpwk@kindergarten.vic.gov.au with the child’s name, group, a contact phone number for Lisa to reply to your query.