About Us
Deer Park West Kindergarten extends a warm welcome to your family. We look forward to working with you and your child. We provide children with a high quality, play based educational program. We value the importance of play, every child’s right to play and we know that children learn best through play. We believe kindergarten is a very special time in a child’s life!
Our Story
Deer Park West Kindergarten was opened on 3 May 1980. In 2020, our kindergarten achieved 40 years of service, over the years, bringing together many families (both past and present), committee members, teachers and educators who have been part of our kinder community.
In November, 2021 the kinder undertook the first steps in its expansion program with the introduction of a new modular; adding a second kinder room to our site. This has enabled us to keep up with the demand for sessional kindergarten in the local area, and we are able to offer 3 groups of 4 year old kinder and 2 groups of 3 year old kinder in 2022. The introduction of the new modular will bring with it a contemporary new building which offers an open planned space to be equipped with modern new furniture and equipment. It will also see our grounds expand two-fold and bring with it the development of our much-anticipated outdoor project. This was a very exciting phase for our kinder community, as we invested heavily in an indoor/outdoor space that reflects current best practice in early childhood education.
As parents, you are entrusting your precious children into our care, and we are conscious of the privilege and the responsibility that this brings. At kinder we respect each child as a unique individual and celebrate children’s individuality, effort and achievement. In this community, Deer Park West Kindergarten is very SPECIAL – the children, the parents, the staff plus the new building and grounds, make it a wonderful place to be involved.
We welcome your family to the Deer Park West Kindergarten and hope it will be a fulfilling year.

Our Vision
Our Vision is to create a safe, secure inclusive family environment which enriches the agency of each child’s uniqueness; to foster, respect and encourage their abilities and interests to develop their fullest potential and celebrate their achievements.

Helping Your Child Explore, Grow, & Learn
Our Mission is to adopt a holistic approach to promote a safe, secure and stimulating, dynamic learning environment that empowers children to enjoy their learning, become lifelong learners and succeed in life.
Our Kindergarten aims to provide a meaningful child centred, play based curriculum which fosters and encourages children to develop a curiosity of learning, discover their interests, enhance their abilities and build life skills including independence, confidence and resilience.
We maintain an inclusive environment that celebrates children regardless of their special uniqueness or multicultural roots; to acknowledge and respect children from diverse family and cultural backgrounds and embrace each child’s individuality.